
Jason is the only boy boxer I ever had, the inspiration for the name “Jasidog” in this site’s address.

Otherwise known as, Camsail Time Out, Jason was a big friendly lump. He outlived his surrogate mum Lottie, and most unfairly (In a sense.) considering her age. The little white terror Lily, his sister/daughter in all but blood.

His favourite pastimes were eating, sleeping and playing in that order. Somewhat of a hobbit dog by nature if not in his massive stature.

It’s taken me a while to update this page with the news that Jason has passed on. That happened on the 21st of September 2006 and as I write it’s now December the 11th.

Whilst Jason had a long life it still didn’t seem time. I think partly because of the reason for his death. The seemingly random occurrence of bloat and torsion. Which for reasons yet to be fully understood can strike at any age.

Jason deserves a lot better than the words I can muster up on this page. In fact I’m at a bit of a loss as what to write. I just know I miss him terribly.

Ta for now my ‘Son.

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